Showing posts with label Oracle Named. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle Named. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

OAF VO Binding Styles

Following are the binding styles that can be used in the OAF screens.

Oracle Positional: This style represents parameters as colons followed by numbers, as in the following code fragment:WHERE bar = :1 AND foo = :2 In this style, the numbers are just for easier readability: Parameters are passed into the view object in the order in which the numbers occur. The above fragment, for example, is equivalent to WHERE bar = :70 AND foo = :3

Oracle Named: This style represents parameters as colons followed by identifiers, as in the following code fragment:WHERE bar = :barparam AND foo = :fooparam Unlike the positional styles, the names of the parameters are actually used when the application fills the parameter values

JDBC Positional: This style represents parameters as question marks, as in the following code fragment:WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?. This should be used only if you are working with non-oracle database.